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What to Expect During Your First Well Woman Exam

A well-woman exam is a routine medical appointment that’s tailored to a woman’s needs. It involves a basic health check combined with routine diagnostic tests to detect any serious health issues. This exam also gives you an opportunity to bring up issues or questions and for your doctor to provide answers and information to help you be healthy.

At his offices in White Plains and Queens, New York, highly skilled and compassionate Dr. Daniel Kushner provides his patients with an experience that makes them feel comfortable and supported. Dr. Kushner offers well-woman exams to allow women of all ages to get a comprehensive health check in one convenient appointment.

What is a well-woman exam?

A well-woman exam is a preventive care appointment that focuses on your total health, including your reproductive and gynecological health. It gives your doctor an opportunity to complete a physical examination and diagnostic tests, and gives you time with a physician to bring up any issues, concerns, or questions you have. 

How often should I have a well-woman exam?

We generally recommend that you have a well-woman exam once a year. Depending on the results of your first exam, you may not need to undergo all of the tests every year. This annual exam is a good opportunity to connect with your doctor for a regular checkup and review of your health status.

What to expect during your first well-woman exam

During your well-woman exam, Dr. Kushner reviews your medical record in order to be sure it’s accurate and complete. He asks you questions about your current health, including details about any medications you’re taking, issues you have been having, or any other concerns. 

Dr. Kushner and his staff start with a simple physical examination. This includes basic diagnostic health checks, such as recording your current height and weight, your blood pressure, and your heart rate.

They may ask you to provide a blood sample to be sent to a lab to check your nutrient levels, cholesterol, blood sugar, and any other substances that help your doctor learn more about how well your body is functioning. 

Breast exam

Breast cancer is a serious disease, but the chance of successful treatment is very good if it’s caught early. The breast exam is a screening for breast cancer in order to detect abnormalities that could indicate cancerous tissue.

During this part of the exam, Dr. Kushner gently touches your breasts and surrounding tissue using a circular motion, feeling for any thickened tissue or lumps. If he finds anything unusual, he may recommend a biopsy, in which a small sample of tissue is extracted in order to test it.

Pelvic exam and Pap smear

The pelvic exam is a physical examination of your genitalia and internal reproductive organs to look for any issues. You remove your clothes and put on a gown and then recline on an examination table. Special holders for your feet, call stirrups, help you spread your legs apart.

Dr. Kushner examines your vagina, cervix, uterus, and ovaries to detect any abnormalities. He gently touches your vagina and abdomen to check for discomfort or problems. Inserting a tool called speculum into your vagina allows Dr. Kushner to use a cotton swab to collect a sample of cells from your cervix. This is known as a Pap smear, and it’s a test for cervical cancer. 

You may feel a small amount of discomfort during the procedure, but it’s very brief. Dr. Kushner is very careful to proceed gently and slowly and communicate with you what he’s doing and what you can expect, while encouraging you to relax and breathe. 

Birth control and fertility

Your well-woman exam is also an opportunity to talk to Dr. Kushner about any reproductive goals or concerns you may have.

If you need information about birth control, Dr. Kushner can answer your questions and helps you find the right method for you. If you have questions about fertility or need assistance with fertility-related concerns, Dr. Kushner can provide you with answers, resources, and treatment options. 

It’s normal to be nervous about your first well-woman exam, but we provide a comfortable, safe experience, giving you the information and support you need to make good decisions about your health. To set up an appointment, call the office that’s most convenient for you, or use our online booking system.

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